Monday, February 29, 2016

A collection of Hamamelis near the Lake Maggiore.

I visited a private garden not far from the Lake Maggiore where winter flowers are in bloom: Hamamelis, Cornus, Daphnes, heathers and carpets of hellebores, snowdrops and cyclamens.
To make the most of the limited space, the passionate owner has divided the old kitchen garden into rooms, creating different atmospheres with plants and garden decorations. Hamamelis are present in each room with their ribbon-like yellow, orange and red flowers, carefully combined with the colour of leaves and barks of the surrounding trees and shrubs. Along the years, in fact, the owner not only has expanded his collections, which include Aucubas, snowdrops and hellebores besides Hamamelis, but has also refined the display adding single precious plants. A Chimonanthus precox 'Lutea' with its translucent scented flowers, an unusual buxus, a particular mahonia, or the lacquered bark of a Prunus and the unusual pink shade of the Acer x conspicuum Phoenix are just some examples. Researches and experiments never ends, and, at present, the owner is testing variegated euphorbias in a sheltered corner and enjoying the blooming of his winter garden with admired visitors. 

TravelinaGarden, Borgomanero (No), February 2016.

Il Giardino degli Hamamelis, Dott. Umberto Cammarano, Via Quagliotti, 44 - Fraz. Santa Cristina Borgomanero (NO)

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