Saturday, June 7, 2014

Les jardins: des modèles d’organisation pour l’entreprise multiculturelle, Milan.

Decoding the plan of Versailles is an interesting exercise for a summer evening. The analysis concerns the structure of the garden with its symmetry and geometrical shapes, the Grand Canal, the network of rectilinear paths, parterres, groves and pools. The garden is developed along a central axis that converges on the palace. The palace attracts all lines and all lines originate from the palace.

Across the Channel, the plan of the garden at Stowe offers a meandering path with a series of pictures, different perspectives, follies, water, lawns and clump of trees. It is a circuit where walk and learn, curved lines that do not depend on the centre.

In France, the absolute power of the king, in England a constitutional monarchy both reflected in the structure of these two gardens, in the economical and cultural choices, in everyday life. 

Now, as then. Chirstian Monjou explores and underlines the parallels between the organization of our companies and that of these two iconic gardens. He suggests a different point of view to observe our world, solutions to overcome a period of crisis and stagnation retracing, with engaging and amusing words, the history of gardens.

A useful exercise in a summer evening. 

Les jardins: des modèles d'organisation pour l'entreprise multiculturelle. Christian Monjou

Gardens:  organizational models for multicultural companies. Christian Monjou

Jeudi 05 juin >19:30  en français// June, 05 >19:30
où: CinéMagenta63, Corso Magenta 63 Milano 
where:  CinéMagenta63, Corso Magenta 63 Milano

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