Saturday, June 7, 2014

Les jardins: des modèles d’organisation pour l’entreprise multiculturelle, Milan.

Decoding the plan of Versailles is an interesting exercise for a summer evening. The analysis concerns the structure of the garden with its symmetry and geometrical shapes, the Grand Canal, the network of rectilinear paths, parterres, groves and pools. The garden is developed along a central axis that converges on the palace. The palace attracts all lines and all lines originate from the palace.

Across the Channel, the plan of the garden at Stowe offers a meandering path with a series of pictures, different perspectives, follies, water, lawns and clump of trees. It is a circuit where walk and learn, curved lines that do not depend on the centre.

In France, the absolute power of the king, in England a constitutional monarchy both reflected in the structure of these two gardens, in the economical and cultural choices, in everyday life. 

Now, as then. Chirstian Monjou explores and underlines the parallels between the organization of our companies and that of these two iconic gardens. He suggests a different point of view to observe our world, solutions to overcome a period of crisis and stagnation retracing, with engaging and amusing words, the history of gardens.

A useful exercise in a summer evening. 

Les jardins: des modèles d'organisation pour l'entreprise multiculturelle. Christian Monjou

Gardens:  organizational models for multicultural companies. Christian Monjou

Jeudi 05 juin >19:30  en français// June, 05 >19:30
où: CinéMagenta63, Corso Magenta 63 Milano 
where:  CinéMagenta63, Corso Magenta 63 Milano

Monday, June 2, 2014

Spring Smile, Philip Haas Four Seasons.

List of flowers included in Spring, painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526-93) and sculpture in painted fiberglass by Philip Haas.
Spring, Musée du Louvre, Paris

  1. Rosa
  2. Fragaria vesca
  3. Iris germanica
  4. Spinacia oleracea
  5. Stachys officinalis
  6. Portulaca oleracea
  7. Viola riviniana
  8. Tanacetum parthenium
  9. Aquilegia vulgaris
10. Artemisia absinthium
11. Lamium purpureum
12. Echinophora spinosa
13. Salvia officinalis
14. Buxus sempervirens
15. Prunus domestica
16. Santolina chamaecyparissus
17. Sanguisorba minor  
18. Ruta graveolens
19. Lactuca sativa
20. Artemisia vulgaris
21. Taraxacum officinale
22. Taraxacum cfr. palustre
23. Jasminum officinale
24. Viburnum opulus
25. Silene latifolia
26. Leucathemun vulgare
27. Matthiola incana cv. alba
28. Rosa cfr pimpinellifolia
29. Jasminum grandiflorum
30. Rosa centifolia
31. Rosa rubriginosa
32. Dianthus caryophyllus cv. albus
33. Convallaria majalis
34. Matthiola incana cv. rosea
35. Bellis annua
36. Dianthus caryophyllus
37. Rosa x alba
38. Echium vulgare
39. Paeonia mascula
40. Viola tricolor
41. Digitalis purpurea
42. Lavandula angustifolia
43. Rosa canina
44. Punica granatum cv flore pleno
45. Vinca minor
46. Brassica nigra
47. Ranunculus acris
48. Hepatica nobilis
49. Malva sylvestris
50. Tulipa sylvestris
51. Matthiola incana var. caerulea
52. Matthiola incana
53. Calendula officinalis cv. aurantica
54. Ranunculus acris cv. flore pleno
55. Helleborus niger
56. Centaurea cyanus
57. Calendula officinalis cv. flava
58. Aquilegia atrata
59. Chamaemelum nobile
60. Convolvulus arvensis
61. Erysimum cheiri
62. Illecebrum cfr. verticillatum
63. Papaver rhoeas
64. Cistus salvifolius
65. Cyclamen repandum
66. Dianthus superbus
67. Lychins coronaria
68. Lychnis flos jovis
69. Borago officinalis
70. Iberis sempervirens
71. Campanula patula
72. Campanula trachelium
73. Anchusa officinalis
74. Tagetes erecta
75. Lychnis flos-cuculi
76. Lilium candidum
77. Capparis spinosa
78. Alcea rosea
79. Spartium junceum
80. Rosa x damascena
81. Primula vulgaris 

from Arcimboldo.

TravelinaGarden, The New York Botanical Garden, November 2013.
Painting: Spring, Musée Nationale du Louvre, Paris.

Four Seasons, Philip Haas, The New York Botanical Garden,
May 18, 2013 -March 30, 2014.

Further reading:
Arcimboldo, by Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Skira, Milan, 2011.
Ferino-Pagden Sylvia